Darling Wildflower Society Guided Wildflower Walks

Walk among the wildflowers and celebrate the fields of Darling!

During August and September , bookings are essential.

These leisurely walks are guided by a knowledgeable Darling local and offer a great opportunity to not only see unique and delicate wildflowers up close but also learn a some fun wildflower facts and the origin of local names like “Piet Snot, Bobbejaantjie and Moederkappies” Suitable for all ages, it’s a family affair.

Local reserves to choose from include Darling Renosterveld and Darling Groenekloof Wildflower Reserves, Tienie Versfeld Wildflower Reserve, Oudepost Wildflower Reserve and Waylands Wildflower Reserve.

More information and bookings

Email: darlingwildflowers@gmail.com or mobile: +27 (0)68 151 5692