Notice to register for the Public Participation Process for the Development of a Management Plan for the Swartland Municipality Protected and Conservation Areas in Darling, Malmesbury and Yzerfontein.
Members of the public are invited to take part in the consultation process for the development of a management plan for the development and management of protected and public conservation areas by registering as an Interested and/or Affected Party (I&AP).
The identified areas include the Darling Groenkloof and Renosterveld Reserves, Klipkoppie and Driehoekpad Conservation Areas in Malmesbury and 26 public open spaces in Yzerfontein.
I&APs are invited to register and provide any preliminary comments, enquiries or concerns in writing no later than 22 January 2020 at Swartland Municipality. Contact details are:
Post – Private Bag X52, Malmesbury, 7299, Fax – 022 487 9440
E-mail –
Provide the project name, your name, address and contact details as well as preferred method of communication. Also indicate an personal, business, financial or other interest in the project.
Should you have any questions contact Swartland Municipality at 022 487 9400