On 14 September 2021 the Darling Wildflower Society committee donned their walking shoes to enjoy a committee outing to the recently proclaimed Niuwepost Conservation Area located on Burgherspost Farm outside of Daring. The group was guided by the very knowledgeable Jacques van der Merwe who once worked and still lives on Burgherspost farm. Jacques, assisted by the Darling Wildflower Society chairman and wildflower story-teller of note Charles Duckitt had the committee enticed for almost two hours!
Thanks to the unique composition of granite renosterveld, renosterveld vlei (wetland) and Atlantis sand fynbos the reserve has a multitude of wildflowers of which many are endemic to the region and occur nowhere else in the world! The pan attracts a variety of birds including flamingos as well as several frog species, while the surrounding areas provide habitat for small mammals, reptiles and rodents.
Open to the public during spring (August/September) the reserve is located off the R315. From the R315 take the Darling Cellars road and continue approx. 5km towards Cloof Wine Estate. The reserve and parking area is on your right – lookout for the signboard.
Guided wildflower walks can be arranged with the Darling Wildflower Society but here is a sneak peak of the wildflowers you may find. Visit the Darling Wildflower Society social media platforms for more things #darlingwildflowers.